Hearing Tests

Do You Need a Hearing Test?

If you are 18 to 64 years old, the following questions will help you determine if you need to have your hearing tested by a health professional. Answer YES or NO.

if you answered yes to one or more questions you should schedule a hearing test today

Online Hearing Screener

In just a few minutes we can give you an idea how well you are hearing.

This hearing screening is not a substitute for visiting an hearing professional who will administer a professional hearing test.

Do you suspect you have Hearing Loss

Do you suspect you have hearing loss? How can you be sure? Hearing loss can affect anyone and often progresses so gradually, it can be difficult to notice until you experience symptoms. Hearing loss has far-reaching effects on your health, so getting a baseline hearing test and annual follow-up tests can help you catch it early.

The purpose of a test for hearing loss is to determine not only if you have a hearing loss, but how mild or severe it is. A thorough hearing test can also help define the type of hearing loss you have: conductive, sensorineural or mixed and whether it will respond best to medical treatment, hearing aids, bone-anchored hearing systems or cochlear implants. 

I  will review your hearing test results with you and determine whether a hearing aid would help you hear. We are located in Liberal Kansas
